Barry super interesting, we would love to move to France, should have 20 years ago. We holiday there every year and stay in Raissac, just 15 mins west of Narbonne on the way to Carcassone. We love it there, near the canal du midi and rent bikes. Ours friends moved here from England 10 years ago but had an apartment in England, they cut ties 3 years ago and sold out and now their permanent residence in France. There are lots of expats in this area and their social life is so busy having said that they have lots of french friends as well and their French has improved over the years, I guess you have to to survive in France. love these emails. thanks and most envious.

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Barry, this is possibly my favourite column yet. You've written of an abundance of thought processes many may not think of. You've included your own resources yet have still made a good deal of it into a concise summary filled with enough data to make even I stop and SERIOUSLY go, "WHY am I living in Canada still?"

Perhaps one of the things I adore most about you is that even inside that brilliant brain of yours, filled with facts and nice little boxes of order ... exists a passion that has you taking grand leaps OUTSIDE of boxes many others may never even contemplate. "Keep your hands and feet inside the cart at times, folks. Welcome to Canada."

I'm impressed. Then again, that's generally the case after I've read something you've written.

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