" ... French corporations are willing to take one or two percentage points off of their profit margins and instead spend it on customer service. The sense that there are things that matter beyond maximizing profit is strong here."

Barry, have you ever considered running for a local political position once you return to Canada? I believe your insight could be helpful

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The honest truth is that I've spent enough time around politicians to have a strong feeling of "Do I REALLY want this?" With a very small handful of exceptions - perhaps four of five people - I can't think of a politician that I would find appealing, and can't see how battling them would make me happy or satisfied.

The best and the brightest, the most honourable and hard-working, the people who truly believe that our first goal is to take care of those less fortunate, are NOT the people who go into politics today Instead we get the charlatans, the greedy, and the morally bankrupt.

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